3Ds Max - How to create a book

Thursday, November 26, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello guys, after quite along time, finally we're back in more tutorials, and at this momment we're going to be talking about how to create a simple book, with a hard cover, it can be a diary, or journal book.
This step is quite simple and short, but probably I won't be teaching about UV Maps at the momment, but one day I will! :)
So, without any further, let's get started, shall we?

1. Change our model's scale
Okay, it's time for us to change our scale model, and this time it's a generic units we're going to be using. To change it simply go to Customize > Unit Setup > Generic Unit.

2. Modelling the Cover
Actually there's so many way to make the cover, but this time I'll create it by making the rectangle.

Once we have that, simply right click on the rectangle, and convert to editable splines.
Then, choose Vertex, and select both of the vertex on one side, then click on fillet, and drag our mouse to make our edges bend or half circle.

Next, change the mode into splines, and select all (Ctrl + A). From here, we're going to make the outline, to do so, in the splines panel, go and click the splines, then drag it, until the desired amount of thickness.

Now time to bring the 2D rectangle into 3D shape, by adding the Extrude on modification panel.

Now it's time for us to get rid on of the side, and As we all know, we're going to use a Boolean.
But first, we should make another box, which will cover up the part we're going to delete to.

To use boolean, first we need to click on the shell, or the original shape, then click ProBoolean, then set the target, and click on the box we just made. Boom! It's like magic, the path is gone.

3. Modelling the Paper
Okay, to do the paper, we don't need to create each paper since it's gonna take alot of time, so we'll be using the same method as the above, except we don't give outline on it.

Repeat the steps, change into editable splines, then fillet one of the sides.

From here, we can just skip the outline, and go extrude it.

That's all for today, and I'm going to sleep, goodnight guys!
I hope this tutorials can help all of us to improve our skills in 3Ds max. :)