3Ds Max - How to create a carpet

Friday, November 27, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Good morning everyone, since I've been posting lesser nowadays, so I'm going to post another tutorials, on how to create a carpet, or some people may call it "rug"? or "Shaggy rug"?
I don't know. Let's just call it carpet, shall we? XD

I've been surfing the internet for quite some times, and actually there's so many way to do this, but we'll be covering only one, which is by using "Vray Fur".

But before we begin, there will be some materials that is needed in this tutorials, feel free to download!
Fur Normal Map

1. Change our model's scale
I don't know if I should do this step in the future, since I assume everyone has already known how to did this as I've repeated it many times, but this time we'll be centimeters.

2. Setting up the plane
It's not like we could directly put fur on the object. So we need to make the body / plane first, thus, we'll be using a chamfer box to make it.

Now it's time to put a noise modifier, as we know, carpet is not as smooth as a glass, it's abit rough. So, go to modifier panel, pick noise, and set as the setting below.

3. Setting up the fur
At this time we're going to use Vray fur, and this can be done in two ways. Either we add a VrayFur modifier, or we can just directly click on our chamferbox, and add a vrayfur from the menu as the picture shown.

At this momment, don't be shock of the hairy fur that pop-ups all of sudden, let's follow up this setting.

We probably feels the hair just so little, and not that many by now, but it doesn't mean it's not hairy. Try to render, and you'll see a bunch of fur has covered up almost all entire plane.
And, still inside the Vrayfur, in the mapping sections, put our normal map to both bend and initial directions.

4. Textures setting
This probably my first time giving guides on materials, so here's the textures' setting that I'm using.

This is the basic setting that we're going to use, in the diffuse button, click on the small square behind it, and pick the bitmap of our texture. You can use your own, or use the one I provided on the tutorials.
And for the reflect, click the small square behind it, and click on mask, and follow this setting.

Last but not least, to give it a little bit more detail, let's add bump, so copy the bitmap of our textures, and drag it to bump column.

And that's all for the tutorials, I hope it's really helping, and as always, don't forget to comment if you have other way to do this, and dont hesitate to share it, so more people will be helped. Sharing is caring! :)