Friendship of Thousand Memories [Ep. 1]

Tuesday, October 06, 2015 6 Comments A+ a-

"The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it." - Hubert Humphrey
Hello guys, how is it going? I hope everyone doing good. :)
Today, We're going to talk about one of the most precious memories that ever happened in my life, so grab your coffee or tea, sit back and relax, let's start, shall we?

So, it's all begin when my winter holiday finishes, I go back to Taiwan, continuing my second semester, it was spring. The weather is really cold, yet windy, it's still feel freezing because winter just begin to stop, so there we are, wearing long sleeves, thick jeans and boots, preparing to go to class, it's wednesday, anyway.

To be the person who arrived first, I saw a new student, and after several conversation with him, I soon realize that he's from France, a guy named Victor. At first, our friendship still goes normal, because we just met, and we only meet every english class only.

But it's soon changed, when our Indonesian Student Organization (ISA) made a welcoming party for our new friend who came from Tanjung Batu, Riau, his name is Erwandy. And I was shock too, because Victor also there. I mean, how did he know about the welcoming party? After several conversation, we found that both of us have a little bit similarities.

So we talked like hours and hours, he introduced me to his roomates, and so am I.  Then, he asked me if I want to be friends with Thailand friends, then off we go to 3rd floor, and there where I found two Thailand guy named Tti and Ton, theres Victor too! There where I understand why he could be in the welcoming party, because my senior ask him to.
It was hard to remember their name at first, but we get used to it, so it's no big deal now. :)

That where our journey begins, our friendship are getting deeper and deeper, especially after we go to night market and have a late lunch together.

We're having a great time, especially after winter holiday, many of my classmates begin to have their own friends, and I'm lucky to have them to come in my life, filled the emptiness of my 2nd semester.
There's one noodle stand, near my campus, called "大河拉麵", it's so delicious that in fact, many people loves to go there to eat, including us, and we're even made the "Noodle Day", So we go to that noodle stand every tuesday.

Unfortunately, theres a bad news. They're exchange students, means they only have time four months in Taiwan, that really makes us very sad. But we need to look on the brighter side, which means, we made several mission on places we need to go during this 4 months. Let's make a happy memories, yea?

Then, food fair festival coming. Everyone was so excited, where all of us were asked to cook our own traditional food, and the festival ran very incredible and awesome. Even though we can't try the japanese food, we're happy that we can try the Thailand food cooked by Tti and Ton's Senior. It was delicious.

"Da team!"
"Delicious food!"
"He's a funny guy always makes a funny jokes."

We're quickly become brothers, protecting and helping each other, and since Victor was really famous, and he's quite a funny guy (Many girls like him), he quickly open our friendship connection even wider, including Japanese, Taiwanese, Mongolians, even Thailand girls! And he's quickly become close to our Indonesian community also. :D

"I see what you did there!" - 9GAG

Then, our next destination is to go to a place, called Sun Moon Lake, by a guidance of Taiwanese girl, named Jenna. She soon become one of our family not only because her ability to speak Thai language and English fluently, but also she's friendly, and she's good in Badminton too!

Victor, Me, Erwandy

If you guys don't know, Sun Moon Lake, which also called "日月潭" is one of the famous place in Taiwan, located near Taichung city. Overall, the place is really beautiful, and this place is really famous for their teas. I recommend you guys to stop hereby if you guys having a tour to Taiwan.

Sun Moon Lake

To be continued

Thanks for reading, and I hope my experiences could motivates all of us, especially those who still on the last year of Senior High School, I encourage you to study abroad. It surely different with our own homeland, but guess what? Not only opening our mind wider, learning different cultures, but also by studying abroad,  it could also teach us alot of stuffs we may not found in our own country.

And if you continuing your study plan on your own country, either because your own decision or financial problem, I won't stop you to do that either, but.
You may consider taking an Exchange Students program,
so in that way, you can learn both in and out your country.

Peace, Jody Hong.


Write comments
October 7, 2015 at 12:14 AM delete

You know what? Reading this article made me feel so soo happy,and eager to come back!I really can't wait to see you again!
Every memories you are talking about in your post made me laugh,and smile,and also made me feel hungry ^^.
You taught me a lot about me ,and for that I can only say thank you brother!!Being your friend is an honor!

October 7, 2015 at 12:15 AM delete

You know what? Reading this article made me feel so soo happy,and eager to come back!I really can't wait to see you again!
Every memories you are talking about in your post made me laugh,and smile,and also made me feel hungry ^^.
You taught me a lot about me ,and for that I can only say thank you brother!!Being your friend is an honor!

October 7, 2015 at 8:42 PM delete

Hello bro!!
I can't wait either!
Theres still many places we hvn't go yet..

Well, actually I want to put the noodle's picture on it, but I can't find it @_@
Guess that will makes you even hungrier

It okay bro, it's also an honor to be your friend
And I just realised that you're also writing a blog about your journey on Taiwan, its really awesome!

October 8, 2015 at 10:48 AM delete

Really touching. No joke, it's just the best friendship article I read so far.
Keep it up bro! Can't wait for the episode 3 coming!

October 10, 2015 at 9:00 PM delete

hee i see you have been active making your own blog again eh
nice job

October 11, 2015 at 10:39 AM delete

Yo thanks bro! :D
Are you blogging again?
I found it very difficult to find rose online guide, maybe you can try make a blog about guides for that :3
