Friendship of Thousand Memories [Ep. 3]

Saturday, October 10, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." 
The Departure 
The time has come, not only final tests is over, but also our friendship journey need to postpone until next time we meet again.
We felt very lucky to know each other, every moment, and it's keep repeating on our mind, even though we have been seperated for about two until three months.

Even though we only known them for four months, they seems to be like family to us.
I've never felt like this before, even during Senior High School where people began to change, just to get reputations and friends, leaving the old friend behind.

Few days before they departure, we and the seniors prepare a very big events, you can call that a farewell dinner, where we go to a restaurant and BBQ-ing. It was fun until we forget that it's actually a farewell dinner.

If you want to know about the restaurant, we forgot exactly the name, but you can find it around Dali District (大理區), Taichung.
After we finish our dinner, here comes the biggest part, as we planned, me and my senior makes a book in order for us to remember all the journey we had together, after we separated, and we also want to thank Min and Pear for helping us too. We give the book to each one of em, and tears began to drop.

If you curious on how the book looks like, you can go check it out on this link!
When we went to the dorm, we also do some chit chat, and as a thankyou gift, Tti also gave us this beautiful Pin from his university, Maejo University, Thailand.

Night is over, then next day, we wake up around 5am in the morning, prepare to packing up, some are so excited that finally they could go home, but some isn't. This is the first time we saw them wake up so early, and there we go to the bus stop.

At the bus stop we chit and chat, throwback on every memories we have back then, and the one we won't forget it the sound of the bus on the stop called "Wufeng" because it's kinda funny and sounds like "WuuuuuFeeeeeenng", we laugh everytime we hear that, and my friend, Victor, even recorded it. A nonstop journey, because after we arrive the main station, we directly take a bus to the Airport.

Few hours has passed, everyone seems exhausted, and today we're going to stay awake the whole day, because we want to wait for their plane to take off, which is 4am.
We had fun together, playing some magic, even write their opinion to us inside the book.


Time ran so quickly, and the time has come, where we to separate. Not to mention, tears began to drop again. Sometimes I just wonder, why we can be separated? Sometimes we wish they were not an exchange students, so we don't need to farewell this quickly.

"I don't want to say goodbye, maybe.. see you later?"

Summer holiday strike, which took two months, and since our fellow Thailand friends went home, we're now lived by three people, me, my senior, and Victor. It was great, and we dont want to waste time, so we go explore alot of Taiwan country, even travelling to Taipei for three days, and confucious temple. 

We also watch movies together, either in cinema, or in the room, and of course he really loves Indonesian food, so we can't miss that either! XD
There's one Indonesian restaurant at Taichung, really really delicious, she cooked "Ayam Penyet" really well and closest so far, and always go there everytime we missed Indonesian food.

He also loves to eat Indomie Instant Noodle, not only him actually, the Thailand also did. 
But Victor eat the mosts. So sometimes we will eat in the room and make a noodle party.

Time flies so fast, two weeks has passed, his turn to go back, we really sad, and we knew the next tear will dropped. So then we take our journey to the airport.

We're sitting for like an hours, talking, laughing, and we also trolled several people in social media, saying that we're going to France, which shocked alot of people. It's fun though. (hahaha)

Due to find new sensation, we moved to another place, and there where Victor, and Jessica, my Taiwanese senior, exchange their farewell gift. And to be honest, it was so sweet!
The sketch she drew also very good, and she even go to factory to make her own Avengers Tape to be given to Victor. 

Time to departure, we all watch the clock so sadly, and tears began to drop, we're hugging each other, saying the last word before leaving.

Not forget to mention, we also take the last picture together, before the departure.

__________________________________The End____________________________________

First of all, we want to thank everybody who's reading this episode, just want to share my
friendship experiences. I used to think, that I'm probably won't be having any friends, but 
their presence just changed my life and my perspective toward this.

I believe everyone in this world will found their bestfriend, it's just a matter of time,
I believe you'll find it someday, and you gotta believe in yourself too.
