3Ds Max - How to create an Apple logo

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello! What's up guys? Welcome back for more tutorials, and today we're going to talk about how to create an Apple logo. First of all, I want to thankyou my friend 1D3D for the tutors.
Before we begin, there's a material that you're gonna need in order to form and shape the apple, and you can download it here.

So, let's get started!

1. Change your model's scale
Now let's change our model's unit scale into "centimeters". In order to do that, go to Customize > Unit Setup > Metric > Centimeters.

2. Applying the image
First of all, make a plane with the configuration as the image.

Note, the plane are going to be vertical, so, by the end, your plane gonna looked like this.

Now, the trickier parts has come. Open the Material Editor, there will be alot of materials shown up, choose the first box, then assign the material to the plane. Then, on the material tab, go to the Blinn Basic Parameters, find Diffuse, and click a small box behind it. Another tab will open, then press Bitmap. By doing this, it will open the image tab, and find the Apple image you just downloaded. 

Once you done that, now click Show shaded materials in viewport. So you can watch the image applied to the plane. Now go back to the parent setting, and change the Self-Illumination to 100.

We may notice, the image isn't in appropriate scale, so to fix this, go on the modify panel, find and apply the UVW Map, and under it's tab, find and click the "Bitmap Fit". So, the image will fit on the plane and looks better.

Now right click on our object, and choose "Object Properties", and change the setting as the image shown.

You guys may wondering why we need to set it like this? But well, as we may realise, by doing this, it's almost the same like we locked the plane, so we're unable to click it, which make us alot easier later on when making the shape.

3. Making the body
Now we have finished the plane with the image on it, it's time to make the raw sketch of the apple body. Let's go ahead to make a line. To make it easier, with the snap tool on, let's make a line near the middle of the apple. Why we need to turn on the snap tool? It will help us placing the dots, so it will be easier for us to connect it to the edges.

Now, after we make the middle line, then we proceed to make the body, still with the snap tool on, go make a line until something like the picture.

Once we done that, now we can turn off the snap toogle. Next, we need to smooth the edges. It's like the cup and plate tutorials, so first of all we need to select all the edges we have made, then right click on the viewport, and press Bezier.
As soon as we pressed it, we'll realise that the line began to be untidy, and that's where we need to fix it, follow the image, until somekind like the picture below.

Okay, we don't need to do the other halfs, we can just copy the line we just made, in order to do that, first, on the spline section, we can see theres a "Mirror" button, but before we press it, we need to make sure if it's "Mirror Horizontally", if yes, then pressed it. A copy will appear, then drag it to the other side like the image shown below.

Now we have both side, but it still counted as two splines. How to merge two splines into one?
First thing first, select both of the splines, then go to the Vertex mode, press "Weld".
The splines are merged to one another by now.

Next we need to delete some part of the splines and make the top leaf, in this case, let's make three circle as the image shown. While making the circle, don't forget to change the Creation Method into Edge. 

Next, select the apple body and the cirle, then click on "Attach". So they will counted as one.
Then, to remove the splines located inside the circle, click on the apple body, go to spline section, hit the Boolean button and dont forget to change the Boolean mode into Substraction, then click on the circle we just attached. Then tap the Boolean button again to stop the command.

Now let's do the same with the other two circles, first select one of the cirle, then right click, convert into editable splines. After that, like he previous method, attach the circle to the other circle.
Once we done that, go to spline section, and again, click Boolean, but now, with Intersection mode, then click on the other circle. Then tap the Boolean button again to stop the command.

Now we just made the apple's body, before go any further, we must first attach the apple body and the leaf, once they were attached, let's change the Interpolation of the Apple to 31 Steps for a smoother results.

It's time for us to make the center line invisible, to do that, first go to Display section, then check the "Hide Frozen Objects". 

With this, it will be easier for us to see the line and hide it.Now click the line, on the same tab, press "Hide Selected".

4. Shaping the body
Now we have line version of the body, it's time to shape it into 3D body.
First, go to modifer list and apply Bevel modifier.
Why we use bevel instead of extrude? Because, bevel will produce a smoother edges than extrude.

Now, follow the configuration as the image shown.

We're almost done, what we need now is smoother edge. So, go to modifier list, and find smooth.

Don't forget to check the "Auto Smooth" and change the Threshold to 25.
Then we're done!

5. Assign the material
After a long journey it's time to put our material on it, it's up to you guys what material you're going to use, but Apple logo used to be elegant, so I prefer put it with somekind shiny materials. 
But it's up to you guys on what material to apply on it as long as you guys like it!

Probably this is the longest tutorial I made so far, it can be tricky, so we need to be careful especially when we made and adjust the splines and dots, we need to be patience. That's all for today, as usual, any request and comments are welcome, Goodnight!