Midterm week

Friday, October 30, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello guys, I know I haven't updated this blog for couple of days, and I'm really sorry for that, it's a midterm week coming, even though it's still two weeks to go, but our teacher has given us alot of stuffs to do, including presentations, 3D project, and everything need to be submitted two weeks later.

Not only that, I also got some work from the outside, and make some animations group with some of my seniors from others university, so it's kinda a busy month.

For the apologize, here I cover up my project, so our teacher asked me to create a room, so I managed to create a bedroom.
It took me almost two days to complete it, including modelling and texturing, and I want to thankyou internet for some guidance for maximising the render, also some texturing part.

The render took about 3-4 hours, but it's totally worth it!
This is the results. It's not perfect yet, since my configurations isn't complete as well as my laptop can't hold too much pressure and heat (Ouch!)

So this is the maximum results I could get. Hope you guys like it, and yes this is my first time creating a architectural design so it's not perfect yet, If you have some suggestions, always welcomed to comment down below! Cya! :)

This is the final results: