Friendship of Thousand Memories [Ep. 2]

Wednesday, October 07, 2015 1 Comments A+ a-

"Rare as is true love, true friendship is RARER." - Jean de La Fontaine
Time never stop, it's keep ticking, first minutes, then day, week, and now almost two months passed, and they only have 2 months left in Taiwan. So what should we do to make this moment even more precious?

After we went home from Sun Moon Lake, it's almost night when we arrived at our city, some of our friends were exhausted, so they went home. But we're to excited so we keep continuing our journey, to eat somewhere nearby. It's hard though, because mostly, the food store in Taiwan closed around 7pm. So one tips if you're studying or staying in Taiwan, you gotta eat fast. Not eat quickly, but.. most of the Taiwanese eat their dinner around five to six pm.

It's a bit different culture, unlike Indonesia, we often eat around seven o'clock, I don't know about the other country, but if you guys want to share, you guys can comment below. ^^
To cut the story short, we eat somekind of "便當". I'm not sure what's the english of it, but if I'm not mistaken it's somekind of lunchbox, where there will be vegetables, meat, etc.

Then, the next day still a weekend, which is a goodnews. why? Because we can go play outside! We have such a crazy times sometimes, like.. we often play Table Tennis, almost every night, and we wrecked every balls every night!! (I know right...)

We also play bowling sometimes, and to be honest, koreans are so good in this, be careful guys if they challenged you into a bowling challenge.
We play and laugh, because, to be honest, no one were really good at it, we just throw for fun and gutter everytime. Everytime we see a "Strike", we'll be like "WOOOOO". So yeah, basically, that's how we play bowling. How bout yours? 

Oh! We forgot to mention it, before we play bowling, we go to eat some steaks in night market, it's so delicious, and theres an old man cooking korean food, it's amazing too. It's called "霧峰夜市" which means Wufeng Night Market. I'm not sure about the price of the korean food, but the steak is around 120 NTD.

Surprisingly, last semester there's no day without fun. I mean, there's always activity which prevent us from boredom, for example The Dragon Boat Festival.
It's one of the culture of Taiwanese, it's like the tradition to respect the ancestors and soldiers who fallen during the war. So off we go!

The place took in ChangHua (彰化), around 2hours if you depart from Taichung. It was sleepy at first, but we managed to take slefies before we all slept. (Tti and Ton didn't join us on this adventure)

Tunnel over tunnel, then we arrived and it's all worth it. Even though the city is small, the people are crowded, and theres temple everywhere. We also salute to the citizens, because even though the rai suddenly comes heavily, it doesn't put off their spirit, and they keep standing on the rain.

Anyway, this also my first experience on this city, and we felt honored to see the city government and few important people come by and giving a small speech. Then the cannons started to fire to the sky, giving a signal means the festival has just started.

Going deeper to the castle behind it, we saw alot of kids and adult preparing their stuffs, prepare to take the dragons fly around cities to give blessings. 

It's just amazing that we actually participate on this festival (First time!), and walk around the cities with them, where if we looked on the back, we could see few old man dragging the Dragon Boat across the cities, which later on led to River for upcoming Dragon Boat Festival.

Few hours has passed, then we take a rest near the river where they put the boat. Luckily, and thanks to Asia University for giving us food, we all then sat down there, getting to know some Vietnamese and China people, we talked and then taking pictures, not too long, we go back to our university.
It wasn't so long until next week to arrive, the day we waited so long, where we are going to take dragon boat race which took place the same as we celebrate the festivals. The differences here only, we're not going only three person, but the whole team!

The sky really blue at that time, and everyone seems so excited about the races, and it's gonna be tough. What makes us shock, is that this competition is International, many international students and teacher are coming to compete. It is an icredible moment.

The race took around two days, to announce the winner, we waited until afternoon then we step to our boat, it was easy at the first stage, but it's getting harder as we come forward.
In the end, we reached the 6th postition. It was an honor and a great experience to join this competition.

To be Continued
Hello guys, how are you?
What do you think about this last two episodes,
do you have any idea on what should I post next?
Comment below!


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October 8, 2015 at 10:49 AM delete

I wonder how Taiwan look like..
Guess I need to start saving money now.
