Illustrator - How to create a Music concert poster

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1 Comments A+ a-

Hello guys, so I was learning adobe illustrator this few weeks, and I thought this could be a great idea to share it to all of us. So, this time, we're going to make a Music Rock concert poster, and as usual we'll try it step by step. 
Hope this tutorial will help all of us, and let's get started. :)

1. Setup our page
First of all, we need to make our page, so to do that, go to File > New. A page setting will pop up, then change the size into A4 and CMYK for the color mode.

2. Making the stars
Now we have the basic setup, first we need to color up our background, so go to the "Rectangle Tool" and drag it from top corner, until the bottom corner. 

Once we done that, it's time to put the pink background, and to make it unique, we're going to make it a little bit abstract, so this time we're going to make a pink star and later on we'll make the star as the background.
To make a star, go to the "Rectangle Tool", left click hold and more option will appear out, then choose star. Follow this setup for the star, don't forget to change the color into pink.

Now we have the star, it's time to duplicate it to 140 pieces. Don't be shock, we'll find the easiest way to do it. So check it out! :)
First we make the first line, so in the left panel, theres a "Black Arrow" icon, double click, and follow this setting.

By now we have two star, with the shortcut "Ctrl + D" we can quickly duplicate the star until it reaches 10. Then, we can arrange a little bit these stars to make it tidier.

Now we need to duplicate these 10 stars to the bottom, same method, double click the black arrow, then change the vertical to 20, and press copy.

Same as the last step, with shortcut "Ctrl +D" duplicate those 10 stars until we have 14 lines of 10 stars. By the end, we'll have something like this. To make it beautiful, I have changed several of the color into dark red.

3. Making the background
Now we have stars, it's time to combine them into one. This part is alittle bit tricky, so I'll try to explain it more carefully and slowly.
First, lock your background, so it will be alot easier to select the stars.
Select all the stars by dragging your mouse all around them, NOT by clicking the little circle beside the layer. Why? Trust me, the results will be different, so it's a little bit tricky where most people do it wrong.
After you select all of them, turn the opacity into 50%.

Let's transform them together, so go to Object > Transform > Transform Each.
A panel with go out, then put this amount of setting. Don't shock of the results, we'll fix it later. :)

Once we have it, group them together by selecting all the stars, then press group.
Next, what we should do is to copy our Black Background, then drag it to the top. After that, resize it until It looks something like this. 
Note: To drag it easier and nice, at the top corner of the rectangle, hold Shift + Alt, so it will resize all four corner.

Our mission is to fit all those stars into our new black rectangle, so to do that, select the new rectangle and your stars. (To make it easy, lock your bottom background) then right click > Make Clipping Mask.
By the end, we'll have a results like this.

4. Finishing touch
We have the background, it's time to do the final move to finish this poster.
So let's make a Big black star on the center and type the word as the picture below.

To make it more epic and better, we'll make an outline for the word "Rock 'n Roll". But before that, this font is Arial Bold.
In case you guys can't find out the " ' " symbol, I wrote it on the notepad first, then I copy to the illustrator.

So to make the outline, first we need to change the text into picture. How to do it? Go to Object > Expand.
Now the software recognize the text as the picture. What we need to do now is to make the outline, so first go to Type > Create Outlines.

After that we need to make the thickness, so go to Object > Path > Offset Path
And set the path to 4 mm.

Now there we have it, a music concert poster!

Hope you guys like it, and as always you can comment down below for any request or comment. :)
Sorry for the rush at the end of the tutorial, I was late for class xD


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Arthur Teknik
July 16, 2019 at 4:39 PM delete

Great information and nice share!
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