3Ds Max - How to create a plate

Sunday, October 11, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Happy sunday everyone!
It's almost 3pm, have you guys taken your lunch?
So, first of all, since there's so many request about making a plate, then without any further, let's get started, shall we?

1. Change your model's scale
As usual, change our unit setup into "centimeters". To change the setting, go to Customize > Unit Setup > Metric > Centimeters.

2. Create the plate's body
Okay, once we done that, the same like our first tutorial, we'll be using line to draw it, as it the easiest way to do it. Select the line, left click to draw until you got something like the picture below. Right click to end it.

3. Dealing with the edges & vertices
Now, we'll notice the edges are way so sharp, and we don't want a sharp plate right? So, we need to smooth it up. First, select all the vertices except the first and the last one, then apply Fillet. Choose the desired amount until you have nice, smooth edges.

4. Transform the plate's body from line to shape
We got the amount we want, it's time to make it into 3D form. Like the previous tutorial, all we need to do is, while line is selected, choose the Lathe modification. Don't worry about the outcome, we'll fix it later.

With the lathe modifer selected, you'll notice our plate is on the weird shape, and to fix that, we need to check the "Wield Core" box, set the segment to 64, and under the "Align selection", click on Min. There we have it.

5. Assign the materials
As usual, it depends on your imagination, and I don't want to judge and tell you what material to put, because everyone has its own creativity. For me, I'll assign this plate, a normal white ceramic materials. And I'm using Vray as my 3Ds Max renderer, anyway. 

Then our plate is done! I hope this can help you guys, and as always, any comment and requests are welcomed! :D