A new journey

Monday, October 05, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

"You're never too young to start an empire and never to old to chase a new dream." 

First of all, I want to say hello and welcome everybody who came across to this blog. Actually, this probably my 4th or 5th time I'm writing a blog. The reason why I kept changing my blog, is because passion. I love writing, talking, sharing and exchange experiences with the others', but the thing is, all of my previous blog isn't posting about something I like, or I passion with.

Before I'm begin, I want to share my blogging experiences with all of you guys. So, my first experience with blogging life was started around 6-7 years ago, where me and my friend decided to make an informatical blog, where we could share informations about what happen on our earth, either sciences, politics, or economics stuffs. Unfortunately, it's not last long. Everyone grown up, and they start leaving the blog, I'm the last man standing, and I gave up too.

Few years has passed, and I used to be a gamer, and that time I was highly addicted to this online game, which is called "Dragon Nest SEA" which means South East Asia, because the server were in Singapore. We play peacefully, until I realised that this game is getting harder and harder, many people were suffered on the game, because they can't survive due to their equips. Market's stuffs getting expensive and expensive, only the rich survived.

Then a singaporean guy named "AiKawakazu" appeared. He came and bring alot of guides, tips and tricks, which helps alot of people, including me. And I was motivated by him, so I moved up to Dragon Nest INA which based on my own country, Indonesia, and that where I start my second blog, and I'm using a tumblr at that time, named Rogue Dragon Nest INA. Sadly, it's inactive now, but I appreciate every like and support from all the players until now, and I want to say sorry too, because I can't play the game again, due to time, and I just started my university life.

To cut the story short, now I'm back to make this blog, in order to share my experiences, journey, and also knowledge I've learned from my university major, which is Digital Media Design, so at the moment, the blog will be posting not only about my life, but also some tutorials, and I was hoping there will be more content on this blog in the future as well could motivate people to have a better life. Cya! :)


This blog post's language will have Indonesian-English language. Means, sometimes my post could be either in English or Indonesian.