3Ds Max - How to create a chair

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello guys, after few weeks not posting any tutorials, finally I got some time to update it!
So, the midterm was over, so now I could post tutorials again, it's quite a tough week, but thanks Buddha, I managed to get over it smoothly ^^

Before we begin, I would like to thank 2D3D for guiding me as now I'm going to guiding you guys.
So without any further, let's get started.

1. Change our model's scale
As usual, we need to change our scale first, for more accuracy measurements. And this time we're going to use Cm. To change, go to Customize > Unit Setup > Metric > Centimeters.

2. Modelling the feet
Before we create the place to sit, we first make the feet, so we're going to use a rectangle to create it.
So, let's go ahead to Splines sections, in the front viewport, make the rectangle as this picture below. Then convert to Editable Splines.

After that, we wanna Enable the rectangle in viewport, so in rendering section, tick both of the boxes.

Then, apply FFD 2x2x2 modifier.

We're going to edit the right bottom corner a lil bit to the right, so in FFD 2x2x2 modifier, click on the Control Points and drag the corner to the right a little bit.

Then copy.

3. Making the seat
We're going to use a plane to make the seat, first, go ahead and make a plane with configurations as pictures shown below. Then convert to editable poly.

In the Edge sections, click on one sides, and extrude it with an amount -0.5cm and base width 0cm. You'll have results something like this.

Then, with the same edge as before (Not the extruded one), Chamfer it with amount of 3cm and 2segments.
Select the back edge, and extrude it with amount of 40cm and a base width 0cm.

Now the trickiest part are about to come, change to vertex mode and select both of top vertices, and move it alil bit to the right.

Then using the scale tool, drag it into X axis with amount of 85. You should have this look by now.

Chamfer the back corner edge, with an amount of 5cm and 3 segments.

Select the edges I have selected below and Connect them with 6 Segments.

Select all the vertices on the top of the chair and the middle verteces, and apply the FDD 3x3x3 modifier.

To make things easier, we can go to top viewport, and in Control points, select the middle points, and drag it a little bit to right.

Do it one more time, but this time, we need to drag it to top.

Apply another FDD 3x3x3 modifier only this time to the bottom vertices. Move the middle Control Points down. 

Now connect all the edges which shown on the image, with 3 segments.

Again, select the top lines we just connect, then Chamfer them with an amount of 2cm and 1 segments.

This is optional, but if you want to do it, go to polygon mode, select the three squares in the middle, and inset it in amount of 0.3cm, then delete them.

Now we have the basic form of the chair, but we could see, it's just way too slim. So we need to apply a Shell modifier, with outer amount of 1cm.

It looks squary, and not smooth at all, don't be affraid. We could fix it. So go to modifier panel, and choose TurboSmooth modifier, change the literations to 2. Now we got a very smooth chair. :)

4. Grouping
As usual, we need to group them together, since they still three different kind of objects, so to group them, go to Edit > Group > Group.

Then our chair is done!