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Monday, November 30, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello guys, how are you??
So, as I promised I'll start to write more advanced tutorials, and recently, when I'm trying to open up some packages from my storages, I found a McDonald Glass (it was a gift from my friend) which is sponsored by Coca-Cola, and suddenly I was thinking about "Hmm... how about if we try to create this glass?"

Then, I go to my laptop, and there where I started.
But, first of all, I also want to thank Mr. Esmael, as I still need some advices from the pro, and he really does a good job and giving me (and I believed some others too) a really great advice, and some tips to create the water drops and the material settings to make it even more realistic (which I will also share it to you guys later on).

He made a tutorials with 3Ds Max 2012, and I realize the UI it's a little bit different from 2015 (Like different replacement of the button), so this time I'll try to share you guys with 3Ds Max 2015 to help those who found some difficulty, and I hope this will help. ^^

The render took me around 59 minutes / 1 hours, and it depends on each computer we are using.

I'll split this tutorials in 4 steps:
  • Creating the 3D model
  • Creating drops of water 
  • Creating ice cubes ft. Massfx 
  • Materials (including logo) and Rendering setting (ft. Vray)
And anyway, I just make a patreon account, and you can visit it here. <Patreon>
Really appreciate any supports! ^^